Saturday 10 May 2014

Snow, snow and more snow (Copa Part 2 of 3)

High camp (at 5200m) was established and after some cups of hot chocolate and food we escaped into the tents. During the night the snow continued (originally predicted to stop). At about 0400hrs Cpl Berry exclaimed that their tent had collapsed alerting the whole team to the fact that there had been over 40cm of snow and some tents were completely engulfed in the snow. After a concerted digging out effort and frequent tent shaking we got through the night. Now faced with masses of fresh snow on an unconsolidated snow pack the decision to return to base camp and Huaraz was a quick one.
Front to back: Spr Hill, Spr McDonagh and LCpl Bayliss ascending to high camp.
Setting up high camp at 5200m.
Laguna Legiacocha (4700m) before the snow.
Laguna Legiacocha (4700m) after the snow.
The snow starts at high camp.
Guide Cesar digging out some of the tents.
It is time to go - tents engulfed in snow, even after frequent shaking and digging out!

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