Saturday 10 May 2014

Copa and the avalanches but all down safely (part 1 of 3)

We set off for Copa (6188m) for a 5-day expedition on Tuesday 6 May 2014 aiming to avoid the heavy rain and snow storms predicted. The first day saw us ascend 1500m to Copa base camp in pretty good weather just in time to erect the tents before the heavens opened (and continued to stay open!). The next day saw the team being thoroughly tested. The move to high camp (5200m) with full expedition packs, technical gear and movement over particularly challenging terrain was a fantastic achievement. You would get some funny looks climbing Mount Blanc with full expedition packs.  The route initially rose above Laguna Legiacocha and then over a boulder field before reaching the gulley that leads onto the Copa ridge. The normal route, right hand side of the gulley, looked a little ominous (high probability of stone fall) with the left side looking steep and full of scree but more passable. We weaved through the huge hanging boulders and rock steps to reach the glacier. The route then was up for 200m (vertical ascent) over the glacier to the high camp. By this stage the snow was falling constantly…

Copa base camp with the glacier tongue behind.
Left to Right: Cpl A'Hara, Spr McDonagh, Spr Wagstaff and Spr Hill at 4650m (Copa base camp).
The route to Copa high camp - left of the central rock rib up the scree and overhanging cliffs!
LCpl Bayliss moving up the gulley to Copa high camp.
Cpl Berry reaching high camp with a brief parting of clouds behind.

The final steep pitch up to high camp at 5200m.

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