Saturday 17 May 2014

Coropuna (Peru’s 3rd highest peak) climbed! (Part 2)

The move to high camp was uphill over lose scree and rock, in big mountain boots and full packs it proved to be a challenge. We were all acclimatised to 5000m but with such a lack of oxygen at that height just breathing is hard enough. On arrival at high camp (just below the height of Ishinca) we pitched the tents and took stock of the task ahead – 1100m of ascent through snow covered moraine, rock buttresses and steep snow slopes to the summit of Coropuna. With an alpine start ahead we retired to the tents after a huge pasta meal to give us maximum energy for the following day.

The team moving up to high camp - nothing is easy at 5300m!
The view ahead - Coropuna is the right hand peak.
Spr McDonagh with the Coropuna glacier behind.
High camp set below the Coropuna ice cliffs.
Cpl A'Hara and Spr Rosyln relaxing at high camp.
Spr Wagstaff at high camp.
The sun sets at high camp with Cpl A'Hara (orange) and Spr Roslyn brushing their teeth.

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