Sunday 16 March 2014

Exercise PERUVIAN PREPARATION - Saturday 15 March 2014

The team arrived at Cameron Barracks at 1800hrs on Friday 14 March 2014 after the 11 hour drive.  Immediately on arrival we were treated to a delicious meal and welcomed into the accommodation. Despite the mountain weather information service forecasting winds of up to 80mph the team set off for Achnashellach and the start of the kit testing and familiarisation exercise.
The first phase of the exercise proved highly successful with Sgorr Ruadh and Beinn Liath Mhor conquered.  Some of the highlights are below.

The team set off (heavy rain to start, ideal).
The summit of Sgorr Ruadh 962m.

The team huddled for dear life at the summit of Beinn Liath 926m – not for the faint hearted!

The team at the campsite.
The campsite.

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