Monday 17 March 2014

The Team

Sapper Sam Roslyn – “Where’s the cable car?”
Sapper Chris Wagstaff – On getting to the col at 700m: “I’m at my pain threshold”
Sapper Matt Dalley – “Where’s my spoon” and on donning the datchstein mitts: Super Mitts

Sapper Benny Hill – “Comfort is the enemy of achievement”

Sapper Madonna McDonagh – “This is grim” on waking up in a puddle of water in his tent

Sapper Dan Sheldon – I’m happy with my kit issue – it saves me buying clothes for a year.
Lance Corporal Ant Bayliss – The creator of the expedition theme tune: “It’s going down, I’m yelling timber”

Lance Corporal Tom Eaves – I’m really tired, when is POL???

Corporal Jim A’Hara – “My kit is squared”
Corporal Chuck Berry – Team leader and IC reflections
Captain Damo Warren – “One more peak chaps”
Major John Tolan – Senior Instructor. "I had a really bad dream last night.."

Exercise PERUVIAN PREPARATION - Monday 17 March 2014

Ben Wyvis – conquered at last. With mere 40-50mph winds predicted the team set off for Ben Wyvis, the solitary Munro lying north of Inverness.  Thankfully the forecast proved accurate and the winds remained at 50mph enabling the team to get to the summit despite the constant rain.  For the first time on the exercise, the cloud base lifted and fantastic views to the west could be seen as shown below.

The misty, wet and very windy ridge on Ben Wyvis.

Lance Corporal Bayliss with Captain Warren bracing against the wind.

The summit of Ben Wyvis 1046m. (Trig point buried)

Views west.

Exercise PERUVIAN PREPARATION - Sunday 16 March 2014

After a series of navigation exercises the team returned to Cameron Barracks for further training. After watching the Alpine Essentials BMC guide to glacier travel the team went through knot tying and moving together. The final test phase was the simulation of a member falling into a crevasse requiring a hoist system to be setup to pull the stricken member out. All of the team picked up the skills, albeit with some remedial knot tying practice required!

Sapper Roslyn getting to grips with taking coils. 

Alpine rope techniques in full flow at Cameron Barracks.

Sapper Dalley being shown the ropes.


Sunday 16 March 2014

Exercise PERUVIAN PREPARATION - Saturday 15 March 2014

The team arrived at Cameron Barracks at 1800hrs on Friday 14 March 2014 after the 11 hour drive.  Immediately on arrival we were treated to a delicious meal and welcomed into the accommodation. Despite the mountain weather information service forecasting winds of up to 80mph the team set off for Achnashellach and the start of the kit testing and familiarisation exercise.
The first phase of the exercise proved highly successful with Sgorr Ruadh and Beinn Liath Mhor conquered.  Some of the highlights are below.

The team set off (heavy rain to start, ideal).
The summit of Sgorr Ruadh 962m.

The team huddled for dear life at the summit of Beinn Liath 926m – not for the faint hearted!

The team at the campsite.
The campsite.

Friday 14 March 2014

Exercise Peruvian Preparation

Cameron Barracks, Inverness will be the base for the preparation exercise to test kit and equipment. The aim of the exercise will also be to develop winter mountaineering skills already learned from the winter mountaineering foundation course the team have completed. We departed Wimbish at 0730hrs Friday 14 March 2014 aiming to arrive in Inverness by 7pm.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

The Plan

The aim of the exercise is to conduct arduous and physically demanding high altitude mountaineering in a very remote environment: the Peruvian Andes.  The main effort of the expedition will be to summit Huascaran (6746m), Peru’s highest mountain.  In doing so it is hoped that others will be inspired to gain Adventurous Training (AT) qualifications and lead future expeditions.  This will be a tough but rewarding experience for the personnel attending.

Welcome to the Exercise Peruvian Cat Blog

Exercise Peruvian Cat: 23 April - 23 May 2014