Tuesday 29 April 2014

Administration before the Ishinca Valley

Today saw the team complete pre-expedition administration prior to departing for the Ishinca Valley for 5 days tomorrow. Final crampon fitting, prussic loop cutting as well as food purchases were all completed. The plan for the next 5-days is as follows:

Wed 30 Apr 14 – Walk to Ishinca base camp 4390m. This is in the remote Ishinca valley, over 8-hours from the nearest road. The long walk in will involve over 1000m ascent but is over gradually ascending terrain through a beautiful mountain valley.

Thu 1 May 14 – Alpine mountaineering skills day and acclimatisation at base camp.

Fri 2 May 14 – Attempt Urus 5420m and return to base camp.

Sat 3 May 14 – Recovery day, possibly attempt Ishinca 5530m, weather, conditions and group dependent.

Sun 4 May 14 – Return to the hostel at Huaraz.

With fairly constant rain in Huaraz and snow in the mountains this phase will enable us to gain an appreciation for the conditions on the higher mountains.

The next update will be on return from the Ishinca valley on Sun 4 May 14, finger crossed with some good news.

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